
Is the dream of shareholder democracy coming closer?

Big funds in the political firing line are looking to pass-through voting to extend responsibility for corporate scrutiny to shareholders

Client: ETF Insider

What will the budget mean for bonds?

The recent recovery in the gilts market has been unsettled by fears of more government borrowing – but have they been overplayed?

Client: Master Investor

Should AIM be abolished?

As politicians and regulators fret over how best to revive UK markets one new report suggests AIM should simply be rolled into the Main Market

Client: Master Investor

Lexington Gold

LEX continues to establish itself as an international exploration company, pursuing five prospective gold projects in South Africa and the US

Client: Total Market Solutions

War is spreading in the Middle East – but still markets keep calm

Now, as in the past, investors show a remarkable capacity for stoicism in the face of war

Client: Master Investor

What’s next for the North Sea oil and gas industry?

Fearing higher taxes and tougher environmental regulations, North Sea producers have put investment on hold until this month’s Budget

Client: Master Investor

Georgina Energy

Newly listed GEX is developing a set of assets in Australia’s vast Amadeus and Officer Basins prospective for the critical helium and hydrogen markets

Client: Total Market Solutions

Guardian Metal Resources

A market favourite proving up the value of a cluster of Nevada-based projects prospective for tungsten, gold, lithium, copper and silver

Client: Total Market Solutions

Dreams of the perfect portfolio

Hendrik Bessembinder’s latest paper tantalises investors with the prospect of a portfolio concentrated on a select group of superstocks

Client: ETF Insider

With acknowledgement to Unsplash for many of the images used in this section